We routinely analyze geologic material, ceramics and slags for exploration, mining, processing, quality control and environmental assessment. Standard turnaround time is ~7 business days. All reports are mailed and emailed. Contact The Mineral Lab for a more detailed description of our analytical procedures and services.
Chemical Analysis by X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF)
The x-ray fluorescence hardware consists of a Thermo ARL990 wavelength dispersive unit
equipped with a pair of fast, highly accurate gearless goniometers, each with multiple
Samples are analyzed directly as pressed pellets. This direct form of analysis
minimizes sampling error, lowers detection limits and enhances reproducibility because of
large sample size and minimal sample preparation. Matrix effects are handled efficiently
in a wide variety of sample types with a comprehensive fundamental parameters data reduction
method. The standard analysis includes the quantitative analysis of 31 elements
(see periodic table).
Special arrangements can be made to analyze other elements (Z>8). At
least one replicate sample is analyzed with each group of samples submitted by a client.
One certified reference material is analyzed as an “unknown” with each group of samples
submitted. The quality control results are included with the analytical report.
Mineralogical Analysis by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)
The x-ray diffraction hardware consists of a Siemens D5000matic system equipped with
a ceramic copper tube, graphite monochromator, computer controlled theta-compensation
slit, sample spinner and automated sample changer.
Mineral/Phase Analysis
Phase identifcations are based on Siemens (aka, Bruker) search/match software,
manual Hanawalt search/match procedures and comparison to XRD data from
our collection of mineral standards.
Phase concentrations are determined using relative peak areas, our quantitative
XRF elemental analysis and our XRD data for mineral standards.
Standard reports include semiquantitative estimates of the concentrations
of all crystalline phases identified and a description of the analytical
procedure. Quantitative analysis of specific minerals (eg, quartz and cristobalite)
is available on request. Analysis of the clay-size fraction of geologic
samples is also available.
Scanning Electron Microscopy System (SEM)
The scanning electron microscopy system hardware consists of a variable pressure JEOL
model ”5900LV” equipped with a large specimen chamber, 5 axis computer controlled
stage, and SEI (secondary electron image) and BEI (backscatter electron image) detectors
capable of imaging metallic and non-metallic samples up to ~300,000x. The SEM is
equipped with a Noran EDS detector and System 7 by Thermo for elemental mapping and
analysis for elements Z≥4. Analytical results may be presented as printed color images or
files on a flash drive.